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  • 公司名称上海傲垦机电设备有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/2/14 17:28:01
  • 访问次数94

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上海傲垦机电设备有限公司,坐落于上海市宝山区杨行开发区,是一家以旋压设备设计、研发、制造为主的高科技企业。为提高国内旋压工艺水平,本公司整合中科院建筑自动化研究所、西安澳玛专用机床有限公司、上海机床厂、上海西门子自动化、上海电力大学、西安建筑科技大学〈冶金学院〉等企业和院校资源,开发出了一系列不同用途的数控旋压机。我司数控机床生产已经搬到苏州分公司,苏州公司详细地址:江苏省苏州常熟市民生路4号。www. okaymachine. com. cn.目前我司拥有8O0-3800mm八款单轮枥材旋压机,3O0-2000mm双轮旋压机、LC8O0轮载旋压机、ok-26立式双轮轮毂旋压机、300-2200《厚度2-12mm)数控旋压翻边打孔机等二十余种机型。公司坚持依靠科技进步加快自身产品和技术前进步伐,斥巨资开发的款数控旋压编程软件目前已经升级到V2.1版本。面对激烈的市场竞争,本公司坚持奉行“质里是资本﹑信誉是生命”的宗旨,为国内众多厂家提供了优质的旋压设备,同时还出口美国、巴西、马来西亚、土而其、印度、哈萨克斯坦等国家。我们始终以饱满的热情、双赢的经营理念,热忱欢迎海内外客户光临惠顾。目前公司拥有旋压方面发明、实用新型、外观设计等多项。其中“旋压机专用控制系统”已经获得上海市联盟计划资金扶持。相信,在不久的将来,装备中国自己的旋压专用控制系统的旋压设备即将诞生在上海这块创新者乐园的地方。基于大里旋压设备制造和产品旋压经验,加上我们“用心做好每一件事”的信念,一定会为您和你的公司提供理想的产品,为您公司的发展再添砖加瓦。
This machine is mainly used for cold spinning forming for carbon steel, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. It is widely used in the fields like hardware, autos, fans, military construction machinery, etc. The machine can fufil the spinning, shrinking, expanding, trimming, curling, turning in one process. Caparing with the traditional drawing process, Spinning can dramatically save the cost for moulds, shorten the cycle for developing new products and reduce the defects for many paths when deep dr......
OKAY2000数控旋压机 产品信息
  • 本设备主要用于旋转件的冷旋压成型,可对普碳钢、铝合金、不锈钢等材料进行旋压生产,广泛应用于五金、汽车、风机、建筑机械等生产领域。可一次完成旋压、缩口、扩口、修边、卷边、车削等工艺。改变拉伸加工中模具费用高、周期长及大深度产品拉伸道次多等缺陷,具有产品升级换代速度快、成本低的特点。
    This machine is mainly used for cold spinning forming for carbon steel, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. It is widely used in the fields like hardware, autos, fans, military & construction machinery, etc. The machine can fufil the spinning, shrinking, expanding, trimming, curling, turning in one process. Caparing with the traditional  drawing process, Spinning can dramatically save the cost for moulds, shorten the cycle for developing new products and reduce the defects for many paths when deep drawing. The spinning has great advantages like low cost, and rapid to develop new products and good surface of the finial products, etc.

    加工方式:                                        卧式数控旋压
    Processing Style:                              Horizontal CNC Spinning
    原料直径:                                        maxФ2050
    Diameter for Raw Materials:           maxФ2050
    旋压深度:                                 1000mm
    Depth for Spinning:                  1000mm
    材质:                                                铝、铜、碳钢等材料
    Raw Materials:                   Aluminum, Copper, Carbon Steel, etc.
    厚度范围:      max 8mm (抗拉强度约是380MPa普碳钢)
                                    max 9mm(抗拉强度约是230Mpa铝材)
    Thickness for Raw Materials :      
    Max 8mm (tensile strength about 380Mpa, Carbon steel)
          Max 9mm (tensile strength about 230Mpa, Aluminum)
    技术指标Technical Specification:
    X轴向位移X Axial Displacement:          700mm
    Z轴向位移Z Axial Displacement:           1200mm
    X、Z移动速度X、Z Speeds:          max    6m/min
    X、Z轴额定推力X、Z Rated thrust:        100KN
    双芯距Distrance between centers                   1600mm
    轴向定位精度Axial Positioning Accuracy:           0.05mm
    重复精度Repeat Positioning Accuracy:                 0.05mm
    主轴转速Spindle Speed:       50—500rpm
    硬件配置Machine Configuration:
    控制方式:            西门子828D CNC数控系统
    Control Style:              SIEMENS 828D CNC System
    进给动力:            西门子伺服电机
    Feed Power:         SIEMENS Servo Motor
    驱动控制:            西门子S120
    Driven Control:    SIEMENS S120
    主轴动力:             55KW电机
    Power for Spindle:      55KW Motor
    主轴控制:            55kw西门子440系列变频器
    Spindle Control:   55kw SIEMENS440Series Frequency Converter
    尾座:                    液压缸伸缩
    Tailstock:              Hydraulic Cylinder
    滑台:                    HIWIN重载直线滑轨;滚珠丝杆
    Slider:                   HIWIN Heavy Load Liner Slide;Ball Screw
    刀架                        4工位电动数控刀架
    Toll Turret:               Electromotive 4 tools
    液压站                 10MPa,25L/min
    Hydraulic Station:   10MPa,25L/min
    设备总功率            80KW 
    Total Power:            80KW
    电源电压                380V±5%    50HZ(可根据客户要求)
    Power Supply Voltage:  380V±5%  50HZ(According to the needs)
    Environment Temp:     -5~40℃
    设备占地                长6600mm*宽4100*高2200mm
    Machine Area:          L: 6600mm;W: 4100;H: 2200mm
    设备重量                约 13500KG
    Weight:                    About 13500KG





